Monday, June 30, 2008

The Bone Magician

When The Black Book of Secrets came out, I snatched it right up because I loved the look of the cover and the black pages. But the book was even better than the cover. The story was awesome. She is an awesome storyteller. And The Bone Magician does not upset as a second novel.

This book is another tale set in the dark town of Urbs Umida. But this time we are watching dead bodies, witnessing resurrections and paying to see beasts and magic shows. And catching a killer. The silver apple killer, to be exact.

I found The Bone Magician to be addictive. I couldn't put it down. I loved how she wove the two stories together and brought up familiar characters from The Black Book of Secrets in the end of The Bone Magician. I can't wait to go back and read the first one and pick up clues, once again.

If you haven't read The Black Book of Secrets, do it! The Bone Magician doesn't come out 'til later this year so you still have time to read the first one before it does.

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